Summer math classes add to the equation
To get their child through the school year, some parents are forced to rely on donations from classmates and teachers.
September 13, 2019
While students are often found spending their summers at the beach or in bed, some choose to spend their time in a less likely spot; back in school. CHS offers students an opportunity to advance in courses through classes taken throughout the summer, and students in all grade levels take this to their advantage.
As early as freshman year, students may enroll in a summer program in order to eliminate a semester of the chosen class once school is in session. For most, courses like Algebra 1 and Geometry provide students a chance to reach a more advanced track once back in school.
The program allows students who did not initially test into their desired math level prior to freshman year to switch courses, offering both a two week Algebra 1 course that finishes with a retake of the initial placement assessment, as well as a six week Geometry course to advance into Algebra 2. Students looking to take the Geometry course must have an A in Algebra 1 and a signature from their previous teacher.
Math teacher Scott Stengle feels signing off on the class for students happens on a case-to-case basis.
“If a student is going to pursue a major in communications or art in college, they will probably take either one college math course or none at all,” Stengle said. “For a student who wants to pursue a college major that requires more math, moving ahead using the summer courses might be a good option for them.”
Stengle attributed taking the semester course to having a better retention of the material, but said the school has not done any statistical research to back up this opinion.
Junior Hannah Arbeital of Marlboro decided to take the summer Geometry course following her freshman year, placing her in Algebra 2 as a sophomore. Arbeital said the course was taught through an instructor separate from CHS, and served as a “crash course” to lessons typically taught over the span of a semester.
“It’s fine for someone who is able to teach themselves things and be independent in their studies, “Arbeital said. “For anyone looking for an in depth class with instruction, this would not be a good option for them.”