Juniors Take an Early Lead in Day 1 of Fall Spirit Week
PHOTO COURTESY OF Inkblot and Yearbook
Junior Amanda Rioradan of Manasquan acting as the college admissions officer in the junior’s Make a Monster Video.
October 25, 2021
As students entered CHS on Oct. 25 with baby strollers, suitcases, laundry baskets and coolers, one thing was evident: there were no backpacks.
This was because the first theme of Fall Spirit Week was “Anything But a Backpack” and students creatively avoided using the everyday school supply carrier.
In Spirit Week, classes battle for points that are earned through dressing up according to the theme, competing in lunch events, and scavenger hunts.
In the end, the Junior class came out victorious after the first day, with 56 points, followed by the Sophomore class with 38 points, the Senior class with 36 points, and the Freshmen class with 31 points.
The lunch event of the day was Make-a-Monster, where each grade filmed a short video and prepared a presentation. The competition had students experiencing fear with the senior’s horror video and even laughter when physics teacher Steven Godkin played a zombie in the sophomore’s video.
The junior class’s video, where the monster was college, took the gold.
Junior Amanda Rioradan of Manasquan, who played the part of the college admissions officer in the junior’s video, spoke about her experience.
“I was ecstatic that we won!” Rioradan said. “A lot of time and effort went into our film… Overall I’m proud of everyone who participated and I’m thrilled that we managed to pull through in the end and win.”
This year, Spirit Week continued the tradition of daily scavenger hunts, where the junior class also took first place.
Class council of the junior class President Keegan Foy of Wall explained her thoughts.
“I’m really excited about the scavenger hunt win!” Foy said. “I wasn’t expecting it since we were not able to find every item, but I’m super proud of our grade and how many people participated!”
Foy added that she hopes the junior class continues this streak.
“I think that the juniors are doing very well so far,” Foy said. “Hopefully, we can improve our participation points for the dress up themes in the future…I think we definitely have a chance of winning spirit week!”
This was the first in-person, non-hybrid Fall Spirit Week for both the Freshman and Sophomore classes.
Freshman Noelle Widmer of Freehold loved the first day of the CHS event.
“The first day of Fall Spirit Week was very fun for me!” Widmer said. “I look forward to the upcoming events!”
Stay tuned for day two of this exciting week, where CHS will face Dynamic Duos and Dodgeball.