Breaking the ice: students’ plans form winter break
CHS students and teachers share their upcoming plans for winter break.
January 20, 2023
Saturday, Dec. 24 marked the first official day of Winter Break for Communications High School. Many students and staff members swapped their school routines for extra family time as 2022 came to an end.
For math teacher Scott Stengele, the holidays allow him to reconnect with his loved ones.
“I’m gonna go to Pennsylvania to see my daughter for a few days,” Stengele said During this vacation, however, Stengele had more than just visiting family on his mind. “I’m excited about Christmas coming up, mostly because I don’t have to answer the alarm for quite a while.”
Freshman Jenna Lynch of Neptune planned to be with her family for her time off as well.
“I think I’m pretty much really excited for Christmas Eve because I do a big family party every year,” Lynch said. “I usually go over to my grandma’s on actual Christmas, so that’s something I end up doing. It’s a big part of Christmas for me.”
Besides spending time with family, one CHS student notes that seeing snow is at the top of their wish list.
Junior James Matthews of Middletown expressed that snow is always a fun aspect of winter break to look forward to each year, especially since he usually does not go anywhere for the holidays. Matthews also shares that being stuck at home for winter break is not as miserable as it appears: it allows him the time to begin future passion projects.
To kick off his winter vacation, Matthews learned the music for the musical Chicago on the piano.
“It’s a spring project, but it starts now,” Matthews said.
Matthews is merely one of many who spent their holiday season cooped up at home.
“I usually go up to my family’s house in Maine but we’re not doing that this year,” said senior Maddie Lee of Middletown. “For winter break I’m probably just gonna sleep a lot and get my college stuff in.”
Sophomore Gianni Dentino of Ocean Township also stayed home for the holidays.
“I’m just looking to relax at home. I honestly don’t see why there’s a reason to want to go anywhere during Christmas. I prefer being at home with family,” Dentino said.
Everyone’s idea of a winter break differs in several ways. Stengele intends to travel, while Matthews seeks out snow, relaxation and working on passion projects. Many CHS students are eager to spend as much time as possible with their families during the vacation.
“I think the most warming thing during winter isn’t a lit fireplace, but a together family,” said freshman Bianca Grann of Freehold.