Spirit Week standings are too close to call: Day 4 of Spring Spirit Week
The classes battle it out in Gaga Ball on Day 4 of Spring Spirit Week.
April 27, 2023
The theme of high school stereotypes flipped CHS’ social dynamic on its head as jocks, mean girls and nerds roamed the halls on Thursday, April 27, the fourth day of Spring Spirit Week.
Tablecloths, cassette tapes and more became hot commodities within CHS as the final daily scavenger hunt of the week started. In the end, the seniors won followed by the freshmen in second, juniors in third and the sophomores in last.
After the scavenger hunt, students gathered around to watch the beloved gym class game, Gaga Ball, make its debut in Spirit Week. Teams representing each class consisting of three players, at least one girl and one boy, filled up the small arena in the back of the cafeteria. After the quick elimination of both the freshmen and juniors, the complete sophomore team stood against one final senior. In the end, the sophomores won the event followed by the seniors in second, juniors in third and freshmen in fourth.
Sophomore Max O’Reilly of Ocean, a member of the sophomore team, described the feeling of representing his class.
“The environment was really nice, any kind of competition is always super fun,” O’Reilly said. “It also didn’t hurt that we won.”
With the fourth day of Spring Spirit Week coming to an end, there is a two point difference between first and second place and third and fourth place. The sophomore class is in first place with 215 points, followed by the seniors with 213 points, the juniors with 170 points and the freshmen with 168 points.
SGA president and senior Lucy Battista of Tinton Falls is happy with how Spring Spirit Week is running.
“Spirit Week has gone amazing so far, it seems like everyone is super into the events and we’re getting a ton of participation,” Battista said.
Classes will compete tomorrow in the final event, the highly anticipated Lip Sync Battle, with the theme of Adam Sandler Day in hopes of winning the coveted title of Spring Spirit Week Champion. All classes have been putting in the work to perfect their lip sync routines with both in and out of school rehearsals as this event can make or break any class.