Behind every beloved horror movie today is the influence of Wes Craven’s “Scream,” which was originally released in 1996. It forever changed the horror, slasher and thriller genres, redefining the slasher and today is represented as a mark of a new age for these kinds of movies, showcasing how to properly mix meta-commentary with appalling gore and scares.
Since then, “Scream” has had several prequels, sequels, and spinoffs to its name, the most recent of which is “Scream VI.” Much like other “Scream” films, this film follows the story of young adults trying to survive a crazed killer named Ghostface. This killer tries to pick off everybody one by one. By using common horror movie tropes, the characters figure out who may be the killer among them with the meta-commentary this franchise is known for; introducing the lovey-dovey, slightly inappropriate couple, the jock, the attractive cheerleader and the nerd.
In “Scream VI,” all of these characters are present, but with a unique twist. Two sisters–Tara and Sam Carpenter– are directly related to the original, first Ghostface. This causes other characters to constantly point fingers at Sam as the new Ghostface. Sam and Tara’s relationship highlights how people cope with trauma at different paces. Sam cannot understand how Tara coped so quickly with their shared trauma, which drives the movie thematically.
The reviews for “Scream VI” are very split down the middle: audiences either love it and think it’s innovative, or have more than just a few critiques of this new addition. These audiences can be split into two groups: dedicated slasher fans and new fans.
For new viewers, “Scream VI” is an enticing start, and deservingly so. Freshman Jenna Lynch of Middletown, a
recent viewer of the “Scream” franchise, was satisfied with the movie.
When asked if she had anything she disliked about the movie, Lynch responded with a resounding “no.” She continued, “I thought it was fantastic and the plot twist was done very well.”
Even veteran fans had positive things to say about the film. Zachary Erbe, an incoming freshman to CHS from Shark River Hills, is one of these fans, having watched the entire “Scream” saga. As more dedicated fans become aware of “Scream VI,” they will be more critical of it, which will highlight the success of the film.
“The plot twist, the characters, everything about it was great,” Erbe explained. “The actors had great acting, especially Jenna Ortega.”
Even with all of these positive comments, no movie can be flawless. One of the most common criticisms of the film-among all audiences–was the drift in the beginning between “Scream VI” and the rest of the franchise.
“The part I didn’t like was the movie’s beginning,” Erbe said. “It felt weird compared to the beginning of the other “Scream” movies like 5 and 1. The beginnings of those felt amazing but this one felt off for some reason.”
With the addition of yet another successful movie to the “Scream” legacy, many people are wondering what comes next. Will there be more movies? Is this where “Scream” ends? Although we do not have these answers, audiences are clamoring for more.
Erbe expressed his hopes for the franchise: “I think they should at least push it a couple more movies and have a whole closing with the franchise.”