Staff Writer
Experimenting with social media as a journalistic medium, sophomore journalism class members Tweeted for an assignment as they watched the first presidential debate Oct. 3.
Journalism teacher Andi Mulshine challenged students to comment on “spin” techniques and misinformation used by the candidates. Rather than copying notes and comments into notebooks, the sophomores filled up Twitter news feeds with quotes and opinions.
“Personally, I prefer using social media,” sophomore Erin Heidelberger of Lincroft said. “You can go off of other people’s

opinions rather than just having your own.”
Students who participated could either use their own twitter accounts or sign into the @SophServ twitter account. The sophomores Tweeted using the hashtag “chsdebate” and invited others within the school to participate.
“If she had told us just to write a report on it I think it would have been not only less interesting, but less effective,” said participant Evan Saini of Freehold. “That made the experience a little more entertaining and real for everyone.”