Led by drama veterans seniors Caroline Palsi and Danielle Cooper, the cast gathered on stage at the Jersey Shore Arts Center to dance to “Starships” during the “Palsi Power Hour” before the opening night of “Almost, Maine.”
Mic check? Check. Caroline Palsi Power Hour? Check.
It was one hour to show time for the cast and crew of “Almost, Maine” backstage at the Jersey Shore Arts Center and the Communications High School Drama Club was running through their pre-show routine, complete with ABCs and a dance party to “Starships” by Nikki Minaj. The dance party is something the cast and crew have titled “Caroline Palsi Power Hour,” led by senior actress Caroline Palsi of Brielle.
Backstage, actors applied makeup and some rested their voices, while others ran around and talked loudly. Director Danielle Cooper, a senior of Rumson, was trying to get a pep talk in before the show.
“Thank you to everyone. As we all know, this week has been beyond stressful,” Cooper said.
For the cast and crew of “Almost, Maine,” the snow storm that came in on Tuesday caused Tuesday’s early dismissal and Wednesday’s snow day. This also meant that they only rehearsed at the Jersey Shore Arts Center on Thursday, the day before the show. According to Cooper, she and club adviser Erin Wheeler had discussed postponing the show, something they chose not to do.
“The only reason this show is going up today is because you came in 10,000 percent prepared,” Cooper said on Friday.
Sophomore Patti Lowney of Long Branch, who plays Sandrine in the play, said that the “crew was phenomenal” because they painted all the sets for the show on Thursday.
“It’s incredible to see a show come together in one day,” said Lowney.
Cooper said she felt the same way.
“I know that no matter what happens, you’re going to put on an amazing show. Everybody have fun, alright?” she said.
Pep talk? Check.
The only thing left for the cast and crew was to do the Hokey Pokey.
“You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out,” they sang in a circle.
“Almost, Maine” will have their last show at the Jersey Shore Arts Center tonight at 7 p.m. The show Lowney described as having “a lot of value in it…”
“The feelings that the show creates – they’re just great takeaways,” she said.
First night of the show? Check.
Erin Wheeler • Jan 25, 2014 at 2:52 pm
Great story Mary !! Thanks for capituring the pre-show craziness !!