Skills from school carry into summer jobs, internships
During the summer, many students take jobs as interns in job fields they are interested in.
September 15, 2017
David Salowe assisted production on movie sets. Shelley Ortner worked as a graphic designer. Now these teachers share their tricks of the trade to CHS students who are following in their footsteps.
Seniors Abi Karl of Monmouth Beach and Carly Drabeck of Oceanport interned as production assistants on the set of a feature film called “Low Tide” over the summer.
“Mr. Salowe’s student from like 10 years ago emailed him asking if he had any students that would want to intern as production assistants. He recommended Carly Drabeck and I,” Karl said.
As production assistants, Drabeck and Karl organized and guarded food, cleaned up garbage and set up walkie talkies.
“Ultimately as a PA you’re doing whatever the person above you tells you to,” Karl said.
Both girls said the skills they learned in Digital Video with Salowe helped them on set.
“Being in DV has really helped me because I know what jobs are involved during a production, and it’s made me familiar with the process that goes on when shooting parts of the movie,” Drabeck said.
Karl said being on the set of “Low Tide” has helped her build connections in the film industry. She has already been offered two jobs, which she plans to take.
Alum Isaiah Drake of Spring Lake Heights uses the artistic and marketing skills he learned at CHS at his job as well. He has sold his artwork at Sailor Trading Company (STCO) since his junior year.
While he wishes his work sold more, he is enthusiastic about the opportunities he has created for himself both now and in the future.
“I am excited that I am putting myself out there and breaking boundaries that not many kids my age are doing,” Drake said.
STCO is a home decor store in Manasquan that sells nautical themed furniture and home decor.
“They pride themselves in their local artists and love to see the talent the people of the community hold,” said Drake, who graduated in June of 2017.
He credits all of the classes he took with Ortner, as well as print production with Bill Allen, for helping him create a brand for his work.
Drake is able to bring in almost anything he wants, but the store prefers when his pieces are related to a local establishment, beach town or the ocean, he said. His work at Sailor Trading Company influenced his choice to study graphic design at Brookdale Community College.
“Selling my work at STCO is reminding me that art can be practical, functional and memorable,” Drake said. “This has inspired me to embrace graphic design as my major because it is important for me to study different mediums of art besides digital design.”
Drabeck and Karl also credit their work in the field for increasing their passion for film.
“I was having a couple doubts about majoring in film, but after being on set for two months I was able to push every single doubt out of my mind. I’ve gotten a taste of what my future will be like, and I’m loving every second of it,” Karl said.