Memes come to life at CHS
Students participate in “The Floor Is Lava” a new event at CHS.
November 1, 2017
CHS students participated in day three of Spirit Week on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Students dressed for Meme Day and competed in the new lunchtime event, The Floor is Lava.
A ‘meme’ is internet humor shared by people of all ages in the form of an image, video or text. Students like sophomore Jill Tracy of Belmar enjoyed Meme Day and all of the costumes that went with it.
“I think Meme Day is a wonderful addition to Spirit Week,” Tracy said. She said that her favorite costumes of the day included “Meredith Prud’homme, dressed as Christine Sydelko, and Madison Vigdor as Kylie Jenner.”
The event of the day was The Floor is Lava. In the game, students were given different items that they had to use to get across from one side to the other. These items became more difficult to use as the rounds progressed.
The seniors won the game, with sophomores in second, juniors in third and freshmen in last. Sophomore Colin Martin of Middletown competed in the event and shared his thoughts on the game and its results.
“Even though we didn’t win, everyone had good effort and did really well,” Martin said. “It was a good event all around and the seniors were great.”
Currently, the seniors are in first place with 160 points, the sophomores are in second with 136, the juniors in third with 128 and freshmen in last with 76.