Writer’s Club turns ‘Book Nook’ into ‘Dead Poets Library’

Blot photo by Marissa Ho.

Khushi Kadakia

This spring semester brings students new classes, new teachers and a new library.

Writers’ Club, advised by English teacher Kathryn Diver, will transform the CHS library, known as the “Book Nook,” into “The Dead Poets’ Library.” The library and its existing books and shelves will move from Room 204 to Room 143, and Writers’ Club will add more books and decorations.

Junior Vivian DeRosa of Ocean Township and the rest of Writers’ Club decided to move the library because Room 143 allows for a larger space and a more convenient, accessible location for students.

“A couple of months ago we noticed that the Book Nook wasn’t being used a lot and that a lot of the books were unorganized … so I talked to Ms. Gesin, who is in Room 143, which is very wide and on the first floor of the school, and we ended up transporting all of the books down,” DeRosa said.

The name of the new library stemmed from the Writers’ Club’s favorite movie.

“We kind of did it as an homage to ‘Dead Poets’ Society.’ It’ll just be CHS library for short,” DeRosa said.

The club hopes that redoing the library and adding decorations and activities will motivate students to read more.

“We’re going to have fun features like ‘blind date with a book’ where all the books are wrapped and you get to choose one … I hope that the new library location and themes will encourage more people to read and just to take advantage of the library,” DeRosa said.

Creating the Dead Poets’ Library has both challenged and rewarded the Writers’ Club.

“It was very exciting and required a lot of upper body strength. We talked to Ms. Gesin, and she got the janitors to move the bookshelves down, so we are so thankful for that,” DeRosa said.

Junior Michelle Moroses of Wall is a member of Writers’ Club and found that organizing the books became difficult.

“The hardest thing was organizing the books in alphabetical order and sorting them by genre … but I think it paid off,” Moroses said.

Although recreating the library has not been easy, Senior Rachel Wolson of Bradley Beach believes that having a larger library is necessary for CHS students.

“I think it’s really important, especially at Communications, because out of all of the MCVSD schools, I feel like we are the most book-wormy, and I think we should definitely have a bigger library than we do,” Wolson said.

Freshman Jacynth Apora of Manalapan believes a new, more accessible library will benefit students who do not often have the time to read.

“I find that as a whole we don’t have a lot of time to go to Barnes and Noble or our local library … because of homework and extracurriculars, so I feel like getting an easier way to borrow books will probably make us read more here,” Apora said.

Junior Tina DiLorenzo of Monmouth Beach finds that a new library will help students complete schoolwork.

“It’s good for research papers, so you can get factual books… you don’t need to buy the books. It makes it a lot easier,” DiLorenzo said.

The Writers’ Club celebrated the opening of the Dead Poets’ Library with a party on Valentine’s Day.