Annual 3v3 cancelled due to scheduling conflict
Current senior Ron Cole of Neptune City signs the silver basketball from the CHS trophy case after winning the 3v3 tournament last fall. He and his teammates, seniors Marisa Harczuk of Tinton Falls and Jackson Pack of Asbury Park, were one of two teams signed up to compete this year.
November 5, 2018
The annual 3v3 basketball tournament was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, Oct. 30, but just a week before the event was supposed to take place, students received an email that it had been cancelled.
Fitness teacher and Class of 2021 adviser Ginny Clevenger would have hosted the event for the second year in a row.
Current Class of 2021 council member Brigid McCarthy of Manasquan said she was not sure how she felt about the cancellation.
“I was both puzzled and confused when I heard the tournament was cancelled,” McCarthy said. “It’s a great opportunity for students to bond, and it’s a great fundraiser for the sophomore class. However, it isn’t the end of the world. Winter Ball is coming up, after all.”
One reason why the tournament was cancelled was that not enough teams signed up, said sophomore class vice president Jake Polvino of Tinton Falls.
“I know that there was a team of sophomore council members, but other than that I don’t think any teams signed up,” Polvino said.
Clevenger said that a scheduling conflict contributed to the event’s cancellation. She also said that the tournament has been cancelled twice before.
“In 2008 there was a swine flu outbreak in Wall so we had to cancel, and in 2009 there was a huge storm so it was moved to the spring of 2010.”
Although the event is not likely to be rescheduled, the Class of 2021 is still hoping to host the annual 6v6 volleyball tournament in the Spring.