NHS and NTHS host induction ceremony
(Left to right) Juniors Bella Matuch of Spring Lake, Abby Tellechea of Monmouth Beach, Lauren Tarigo of Sea Girt, Juliana Greenwood of Wall, Isabella Antoon of Oceanport, Bella Reilly of Avon, Meredith Prud’homme of Ocean, and Mary Eknoian of Wall.
December 12, 2018
The National Honor Society (NHS) and National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) recognized 59 new inductees at the annual induction ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 28. NHS and NTHS advisers and math teachers Justine Lane and Scott Stengele spoke for their respective clubs, as well as principal James Gleason and superintendent Timothy McCorkell.
President of NTHS and senior Connor Martin of Spring Lake highlighted the qualifications needed to be inducted into the club.
“Applicants need to maintain a minimum of a 90 grade point average, declare a mastery of a technical skill and put in eight hours of work within this skill,” Martin said. “On top of this, students must submit at least three verifications of their work from a teacher, and a brief essay highlighting the reason they want to be a member of the club.”
Members of the NTHS council lit seven candles to represent the pillars of the club: skill, development, honesty, responsibility, service, scholarship, citizenship and leadership. Lane then transitioned the night to NHS by introducing NHS president and senior Jules Andersen of Howell, who discussed the four pillars of the club: character, service, leadership and scholarship, as well as the qualifications for the club, which include a 92.00 GPA or higher and a minimum of 150 hours of community service and leadership.
Junior Abby Tellechea of Monmouth Beach, who was inducted into both NTHS and NHS, said she looks forward to the upcoming work within the clubs.
“It was a ton of work to just get in to the clubs,” Tellechea said. “So I definitely am ready to commit to working hard these next two years, and am glad the induction ran so smoothly.”