Warren shows great promise if elected as president

Creative Commons Photo Courtesy of Marc Nozell
Sen. Elizabeth Warren speaks in Manchester, NH.
March 15, 2019
“Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President,” Donald Trump tweeted on Feb. 9.
2020: the year the Democratic Party is waiting for. The year the tides could change. The year hope returns into the hearts of Democrats.
Nearly a dozen Democrats have thrown their hats into the 2020 presidential ring, according to CNN, but one stands out from the rest: Elizabeth Warren.
Sen. Warren of Mass. announced her candidacy on Dec. 31, despite Trump’s racist comments regarding her Native American heritage, such as when he has repeatedly called her “Pocahontas” and even tweeting, “If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to me as Pocahontas did this commercial [when she announced her candidacy] from Bighorn or Wounded Knee [a site where a massacre of more than 100 Native Americans took place] instead of her kitchen, with her husband dressed in full Indian garb, it would be a smash!” Yet, Warren remains stronger than ever.
“Every person in America should be able to work hard, play by the same set of rules, & take care of themselves & the people they love. That’s what I’m fighting for, & that’s why I’m launching an exploratory committee for president,” Warren tweeted on Dec. 31.
Of course, not every candidate who launches an exploratory presidential committee continues on the path to election. But this is likely not the case for Warren. After working years to try and change the government, it is time for her to take charge.
“It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government, and that includes a woman at the top,” Warren said.
Since she has worked with Trump before, so she wouldn’t be surprised by the low blows, name-calling and tweets directed at her. In fact, after Trump’s repeated mocking of her Native American heritage, Warren took a controversial DNA test that affirmed her descent. Yet Warren has never identified as anything other than a white woman – she is just a white woman from Native American heritage with family stories to match . . .
If elected, Warren plans to place heavier taxes on the wealthy. According to The New Yorker, Warren aims to tax households with net incomes of $50 million or more two percent, and households worth over $1 billion three percent.
Our current progressive tax bracket system that allows high-class citizens to find loopholes to pay less according to Bankrate, and Warren acknowledges that and understands that there must be a fix. Her proposed tax system would decrease taxes on middle and lower class families, and would help alleviate America’s student debt. America has a student debt of about 1 billion, and if that was paid off, then the money could go towards education and healthcare.
With progressive policies like these, Warren would be a welcomed change for Democrats. She knows how to handle herself, can fight to increase regulations on Wall Street and can advocate for women’s rights all at the same time.
The government needs to change, and Warren sees 2020 as the opportunity to do so. The 19th Amendment guaranteed women the right to vote in 1920, making 2020 the centennial of voting equality. The year of the ‘20 will be one of advancement for women and our country.
In 2020, anything can happen. But, maybe on Nov. 3, 2020, you may wake up and realize there is something different in America: a woman elected president.