Readers and thinkers unite in new clubs


There are two new clubs that are now being offered at CHS: Philosophy club and Book club.

Avery Booth

CHS introduced two new clubs this year that offer new perspectives on ideas from the past and provide students with a sense of community to discuss literature: Philosophy Club and Book Club.

The Philosophy Club allows students to express their views on subjects by deconstructing historical principles.

Senior Cameron Fleming of Oceanport, who is president of the Philosophy Club, sees club meetings as a way to
acknowledge previously disregarded beliefs.

“The Philosophy Club is about understanding the ideals and principles of famous philosophers in the past,” Fleming said. “We look into different aspects of philosophy like Plato, Aristotle, Confucius and Locke and all of their ideas and what it means to us today.”

Fleming explained how philosophy is overlooked in society and how even common views were once uncommon.

“A lot of people don’t understand that most of the things that we accept as implicit truths were established by philosophers and many things that we accept as truths today may not be true,” Fleming said.

Philosophy Club advisor and English teacher Kelly Lang understands the importance of these historical discussions to her students. She saw her students looking for a space to discuss philosophical concepts and was eager to help.

“Some students approached me about the club because we discuss philosophy in English III, so it seemed like a natural extension of that,” Lang said.

Philosophy Club meets the first Tuesday of every month at 10:30 in room 208.

The Book Club is another new club that allows students to express their perspectives. Junior and Book Club President Lydia Olivieri of Colts Neck was inspired by passionate discussions in her English class.

“In freshman year we did a lot of book club reading where we were able to choose our books, and the idea of having a book that could kind of resonate with everybody was something important to me,” Olivieri said. “So I wanted to create a space where everybody could find something that they enjoyed and feel comfortable talking about it with friends.”

New books are selected each quarter by fellow club members. Olivieri’s main focus with the club was to create a lively sense of community.

“Every time, we’ll try to have food and music and we’re going to try to make it a really fun experience,” Olivieri said.

Book Club advisor and English teacher JoAnne Colvin recognizes the value of giving students a platform to discuss
topics and ideas and how book clubs can provide that.

“Hearing others’ perspectives gives students a better understanding of themselves and the world around them, and that is beneficial,” Colvin said.

Book Club holds their meetings every other Thursday during the second half of lunch in room 206.

“These clubs are really fun because instead of fostering a classroom environment,” Olivieri added, “we are fostering a place where students can come be themselves and also do something that they love.”