Seniors Alek Lowrie of Avon and Tony Diaz of Holmdel represented the CHS school motto “Work hard, play hard” with their duo costume this year.
News Editor
The halls of CHS were filled today with witches, ghosts, book and movie characters and even the Common Application in celebration of Halloween.
Day four of spirit week culminated with the Halloween costume contest at lunch, with the winners earning points for their respective classes.

Dressed as the Common Application, an application for prospective college undergraduates to apply to many colleges through one application, senior Billie Haas of Ocean won the best overall costume.
Senior Billie Haas of Ocean won best overall costume. She came in dressed up as a dark version of the Common Application with pieces of paper from the “Common Application” saying phrases such as “With the government shutdown it was hard for me to work, okay?”
“I’m having a great time with it,” she said, “Some people get really anxious when they see me.”
Other contest winners included the sophomore class council and advisers English teacher Kelly Harmon and US History teacher Bill Clark, who won most spirited for dressing up as different characters from the book series “The Hunger Games.”
Seniors Michele Ziobro of Keyport and Kristin Dolan of Oceanport won for most inappropriate as “50 Shades of Grey,” with skirts made of paint samples.
Fitness teacher Virginia Clevenger said she dresses up as a senior every year. This Halloween, she choose senior Tom Kircher of Shrewsbury, complete with a T-shirt of Kircher’s latest film, “Wraith.”
“I don’t know about other high schools, but this school definitely loves its Halloween,” she said. Spirit week
wraps up tomorrow with a “dress like a teacher” theme day and a string doughnut-eating event.
The overall winner of spirit week will be announced tomorrow at Skills USA’s Halloween dance at the school.