Can sports make you a better person?
Survey of 163 students from Oct. 24 to Oct. 27, 2017.
December 16, 2017
When people hear about high school sports, they automatically think they are about winning or losing. They think that the numbers on the scoreboard make a difference. Though to some that’s true, to most, sports are about the lessons that are learned throughout the years.
Between teamwork, leadership and personal reflection, sports are statistically proven to make you a healthier and better version of yourself. According to a Pennsylvania State University study done in 2014 in which 400 corporate executives were interviewed, of the 94 percent who played a sport at one point in their lives, 61 percent said that playing the sport had a positive impact on their success.
Junior Tali Petto of Marlboro used to play soccer, but decided not play in high school. She said that playing sports does not change your morals and actions as a person for the better.
“I think that playing sports helps you by keeping you in shape and keeping you busy, but I don’t believe that sports can make you a better person,” Petto said. When asked if she regrets not playing a sport for her home high school, she responded, “No, I’m glad I didn’t participate in sports because it’s very time-consuming and very involved.”
Freshman Maddie Beekman of Neptune dances outside of school but doesn’t play a high school sport. She supports the idea that sports make you a better person.
“You learn how to cooperate with all different people and you sort of become a family. You’re always there for your teammates and they’re there for you. It helps you understand different situations that you might not have before,” Beekman said.
Junior Marisa Harczuk of Tinton Falls, who plays both field hockey and softball for Monmouth Regional High School, said that playing sports has definitely made her a better person.
“Not only have I learned to communicate and work with others better, but making a team is a commitment and it teaches you responsibility. When you’ve committed to something, your whole team is counting on you and you cannot be lazy.You always have to try your hardest,” Harczuk said. “I’ve learned skills that cannot be taught in a classroom and made memories that I’ll remember forever.”