Allegations escalate, almost damage Kavanaugh’s career without evidence
Brett Kavanaugh gets sworn into the Supreme Court.
November 21, 2018
On Saturday, Oct. 6, the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by a vote of 50-48. This was the closest in recent history, with Justice Clarence Thomas a close second with a confirmation vote of 52-48 in 1991, according to the Las Vegas Sun. Similar to Anita Hill’s accusations against Thomas, accusations of sexual misconduct by psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford complicated Kavanaugh’s confirmation process.
Ford contacted Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein about this allegation in July of this year, according to CNN. Feinstein refused to bring this allegation to the Senate’s attention during the confirmation hearings and closed settings. Instead, she sat on the accusation for six weeks, leaking it only days before the scheduled vote would take place in an attempt to block Kavanaugh’s vote from occuring.
When the allegations finally surfaced, Ford could only recall that the assault happened at a party in Montgomery County, Md. and that Kavanaugh never actually sexually assaulted her, according to The Washington Examiner. Ford was unable to state what year or even what part of the decade it supposedly happened. She could not state how she got to or from the party or whose house it was at. None of Ford’s witnesses could corroborate her claims.
The allegations soon escalated, with one woman claiming that he participated in and enabled “gang rape” on roughly ten occasions. Those on the left seemed to fall back on the line of “believe all women” despite the lack of evidence.
Baseless allegations should not be enough to destroy someone’s career. One of the founding principles for this country was “innocent until proven guilty.” While some may claim that this is not a criminal proceeding, Kavanaugh is being accused of crimes.
To return to a political climate where the left and right are not at each other’s throats, we must not claim that people we disagree with are bad people. If Kavanaugh were not confirmed, the precedent set would be incredibly dangerous. Any time either political party opposed a nomination to public office, they would just have to throw a baseless accusation at the nominee and any chance they had at serving the public would be destroyed. Luckily, America persevered as she always has and will live on to be the global standard for justice.