Potential SGA candidates share their campaigning ideas
May 13, 2019
SGA Meet the Candidates was held on Monday, May 13 and we asked each candidate to explain one campaign idea (in picture order).

Junior Liam Jamolod of Howell: “One of my ideas for next year is to try and push for a homecoming flag football game. It would be powder puff style. I know in spring we have Mr. CHS, but in fall we don’t have anything. We would try and hold it on the Wall field. It would be formatted with two classes facing off against each other and there would also be men’s cheerleading. It would be a reason to have a homecoming dance. “

Junior Dane Tedder of Ocean: “A really big thing that I want to plan this year is orientation information. A thing that a lot of people at CHS say when you go around and ask them what aspects they are questionable about when going to Communications say that they really don’t know a lot of events that go on like mentorship or seton hall credits. Having Mr. Gleason and NHS go over stuff and touch base with kids on a lot of that stuff can help eliminate this problem. “

Sophomore Mike LaRocca: “One part of my campaign is that I think we should give the student body more of a say in planning SGA events. It could be small things like polls. If they feel like they had a sense in the planning, I feel like they would enjoy the events a lot more and it will boost morale within the school.”

Junior Evan Kuo of Tinton Falls: “I don’t have any specific promises that I am going to make about changing policy or events. I’ve campaigned for councils before and know that sometimes these promises fall through. So the one thing I’m campaigning on is that no matter what decisions get made, I am going to put my best foot forward and work as hard as humanly possible to make sure promises get carried through. Although policies can change, the one thing that remains consistent is that things get done and things get done well and that is my one promise.”

Freshman Belle Decker of Monmouth Beach: “I think that we should create a Google Classroom because Google Classroom has the ability to have up to 1000 members in its class and by doing this, it would ensure more communication between SGA and students.”

Junior Emily Madeira of Howell: “I think one of the strongest things about this year’s SGA was their advertising and consistent presence. I think we should work hard on keeping that up with more tv ads, more posters, and continuing the calendars in the bathrooms. That’s something that I think is very important to the SGA and should continue working on next year.”

Sophomore Georgia Trentalange of Middletown: “This year for the sophomore council I sent out weekly update emails. I think it would be cool since the SGA does a lot of things people don’t necessarily know about, to send out monthly updates to everybody in the school.”

Sophomore Brigid McCarthy of Manasquan: “My platform is for a more environmentally friendly school. I really want to have a big push for different utensils in the cafeteria and I really want to ensure that everything that says recycled is recycled. The Earth is dying and I think that starting at the local level, the high school level, we can make a big change.”

Freshman Sam Skolnick of Hazlet: “I would definitely like to expand the existing library cart. As freshman, you didn’t really know that there was a library. I would like to expand it so that there will be a cart that will move around the school with books that have been donated or self-published and lented out on the honors system.”