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The News of Communications High School

The Inkblot

The News of Communications High School

The Inkblot

The News of Communications High School

The Inkblot

The question of how long supreme court justices should serve come into question as it is seen that their political stances influence their decisions and are completely ignoring to make change on things that have been major issues for decades already.

Should Supreme Court Justices serve lifelong terms?

Isabel Santamaria November 24, 2022

The youngest Supreme Court Justice ever to serve, Joseph Story, was only 32 years old, over 200 years ago in 1812. Currently, the youngest Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett, is 50 years old and...

The Roe v. Wade debate has CHS students discussing this important topic.

CHS students weigh in on leaked Roe v. Wade document

Henry Frieman May 20, 2022

As the world pored over celebrity outfits at the Met Gala, news slowly crept onto social media timelines that a leaked Supreme Court document that — if finalized — had the potential to overturn the...

Ketanji Brown Jackson is the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, appointed by President Joe Biden.

Historic SCOTUS nomination

Mackenzie Prince April 14, 2022

“Two years ago, I made the commitment to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, ” posted President Joe Biden on Instagram. “I’m proud to nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.” On...

With the lose of Former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Supreme Court seat is filled before the 2020 election.

Was the Supreme Court nomination constitutional?

Sam Skolnick November 25, 2020

While Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Antonin Scalia had opposing views on politics, the two had many things in common: both enjoyed opera, both traveled to India and rode elephants together and...

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in on Oct. 6, 2018 despite allegations of sexual assault against him.

Kavanaugh joins Supreme Court despite opposition

Tess Rempel November 21, 2018

Despite three accusations of attempted rape & sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh, he joined the Supreme Court as its newest justice. Besides Justice Clarence Thomas, Kavanaugh is the only Supreme...

Brett Kavanaugh gets sworn into the Supreme Court.

Allegations escalate, almost damage Kavanaugh’s career without evidence

Will Dean November 21, 2018

On Saturday, Oct. 6, the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by a vote of 50-48. This was the closest in recent history, with Justice Clarence Thomas a close second with a confirmation...

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The News of Communications High School
supreme court