Don’t miss “Captain America: Civil War”

Ebenezer Shim

Now, I may be still riding that movie high from sitting very close to the screen. But, it might just be that “Captain America: Civil War” completely exceeded every expectation I had for it, down to the very last post credits scene.
In the constant struggle over how to make the next movie better than the last, Marvel settled on the “Civil War” storyline, based on its 2006 comic series, for its most recent Captain America movie.
As in the comic series, a war emerges between Captain America and Iron Man after a clash of beliefs. This changes the game for the Cinematic Universe because now, there is a rift between our beloved Avengers (excluding Hulk and Thor, as the movie so graciously pointed out several times), one that may never be repaired.
Naturally, I had some concerns with the storyline decision going into this movie since the Cinematic Universe contradicted a multitude of aspects of the comics, but this movie was carried out so well that my doubts were gone in an instant.
This movie was not like any other Captain America movies (which are my favorite). The cast, the story, the villain–everything was so much bigger and more developed for the future of the Universe. The movie passed $1 billion in the box office worldwide within the first month of viewing.
“Captain America: Civil War” is a movie not to skip in a Marvel movie marathon. It contains exactly what every Marvel movie should have: a battle of morals, a well-thought-out villain and a lot of awesome fighting scenes, making it an all together cinematic smash.